The power of WORDS; By Bro Philip Cephas
Words are always powerful so also is the WORD become FLESH powerful.. When it please the LORD to reveal himself to man on earth he had to bring that which is his nature here on earth, so GOD took the word which was with him since before the foundation of the earth and put it in a vessel that look like man and it become possible for that nature to relate with man,, so it is called flesh... and these personality that is encapsulated to become flesh is the one called the son. Now since the son is the embodiment of the word which is the nature of GOD it became possible that all his thought are of GOD. By so doing he live among mortal men and show them how to relate with the word in him as GOD.. then he die and went back to heaven as a man and sat upon a throne in heaven controlling all things here on earth.. when he died he become the spirit of truth and he came back to dwell inside the vessels of them that believed that he came and live as the son on earth and died and resurrected back to heaven as a king. THE WORD AND THE SON That personality called the word is GOD and only it has the capacity and the potential to explain GOD while the personality called the son is the word becoming flesh and it has the ability to reveal GOD because he is the expression of GOD himself, which is holiness THE CAPACITY AND ABILITY OF THE WORD Since GOD sealed and hold everything by the power of his word and he created everything by his spoken word and everything come forth by his word and nothing ever came into being without him speaking it through his word. Then all things are sum into his word, if you have the word you can also unlock all that God has lock up in his word just as Christ operates by the word and unlock things on earth, so also you can seal a thing on earth by the word, you can command things to be created by the authority of Christ by the word.
Elijah was a man like us but he commanded that the earth rain not until at the sound of his word.. but before he said that he identify with GOD authority and power saying IN THE NAME OF THE LORD IN WHOSE I AM AND IN WHOM I STAND and also the man name Elisha command beer to come and eat up those kids that laugh at him by the word and power of creation. So also several people like Daniel that commanded deliverance unto Jacob through the agency of prayers. We can still unlock creation by the word and prayers even greater things we will do because Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and he is seated upon the throne for our sake.........WHO HAVE KNOWN THE MIND OF GOD THAT HE MIGHT INSTRUCT HIM OR COUNSEL HIM BUT WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST JESUS SO CHRIST IN US CAN COUNSEL HIM.
The word give us life and light of GOD making us to become like GOD at all time so that when GOD look upon us he see only Christ and himself like in a mirror because the more of the word we become the more of GOD we be and live as GOD because we are totally influence by his nature.... although GOD is spirit but he has become flesh live and died and resurrected and given us his spirit so that we can become spirit to relate with him as a spirit and also have access to the heavenly realm so as he does. The weapon of our welfare and warfare are not canal but mighty through GOD by his word. When Jesus was leaving he said i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven which is his word and prayer many at times told his disciple that some demons are casted out by prayer and fasting so prayer play an important role in our life as believers..the word of GOD is our manuscript and a template to live by if you have the word you have the templet of the whole earth and everything summit to it. BLESS THE LORD OH MY SOUL AND WORSHIP HIS HOLY NAME. Cheers
The power of WORDS; By Bro Philip Cephas
Reviewed by Flaming Fire

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