Pastor E.A Adeboye, Open Heavens Daily Devotional. 19th Dec 2015
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED – Saturday December 19th 2015

Memorise: So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and stote the Philistine, and stew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David. 1st Samuel 17:50.
Read: 1st Samuel 17:45-50,
Bible in one year: Proverbs 4-7, 1st Peter 3:8-4:11
A mission is a special assignment commissioned by a higher authority. Generally speaking, missions are known to involve some level of difficulty and challenges. Therefore, they are generally identified with uncertainty, opposition, criticism, anxiety, risk and fear. This fact is evident in all those who were commissioned for one assignment or the other in the Bible. Noah as a man on a mission experienced all these. Nobody believed him
until the word of the Lord came to pass (Luke 17:27). Abraham’s experience was the same. At a point, he risked losing his beautiful wife because of the fear of the unknown (Genesis 20:2-3). The assignment of Moses was especially marked with difficulties that made him experience negative conditions on a much higher level. Other importance negative conditions on a much higher level. Other important figures in the Bible like Joseph, Joshua, Daniel, Nehemiah, and David were not left out; they all had terrible encounter on their mission to fulfil their assignments, but by the grace of God, they all accomplished their missions successfully. I therefore decree over your life: no matter how difficult your assignment, your mission will be accomplished successfully in Jesus’ Name.
A person on a mission is usually misunderstood, especially when he or she is being controlled by the Holy Spirit. This is usually because the fellow receives divine instructions which are guaranteed to being success, but are usually at variance with human understanding. David, as a man on a divine mission, accomplished his mission in grand style by taking some specific steps. He did not allow opposition and criticism to discourage him, but remained focus on his assignment. David identified with the Almighty God and relied on the power in the word of God as the ultimate weapon of war. He trusted completely in God for victory to the point of boasting about it. He was ill-equipped for battle because he had no sword, yet he confidently approached his assignment with boldness, and God crowned his efforts with resounding victory. Do you have a mission, vision, or idea that has become a passion in you? Are you in anyway handicapped because of lack of money, human connection, or assistance? Are you in a disadvantaged position because of your family background or upbringing? My friend, do not fret over your situation. Put your trust in God, and your mission will be accomplished in due time in Jesus’ Name.
Prayer point
Father, accelerate the accomplishment of my goals in life by the wisdom of Your Spirit.
This devotion is by pastor E.A Adeboye, the general oversea of the redeemed Christian church of God... compiled by GOSPELKIN..
Pastor E.A Adeboye, Open Heavens Daily Devotional. 19th Dec 2015
Reviewed by Flaming Fire

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