Pastor Faith Oyedepo Daily Devotional, 23th DEC 2015- Find your fitting
Find your fitting
“Wives, fit in with your husbands’ plans; for then if they refuse to listen when you talk to them about the Lord, they will be won by your respectful, pure behavior. Your godly lives will speak to them better than any words.”
-1 Peter 3:1-2- (TLB)
“Wives, fit in with your husbands’ plans; for then if they refuse to listen when you talk to them about the Lord, they will be won by your respectful, pure behavior. Your godly lives will speak to them better than any words.”
-1 Peter 3:1-2- (TLB)
Reading through this chapter of the
Bible from this translation, nothing can be plainer for you as a woman
than this. So many women even after marriage tend to stand independent
of their husband’s vision. To them, they have their own life to live and
so they have no business with their husband’s calling. Some would even
say: “God called him and not me.” The truth is: As long as you are made
to be his helpmeet, you are also to function in his vision.
Keep in mind the fact that your calling is embedded, as it were, in his; as such, you have been called alongside him. So, your assignment is to find out where you fit in and
give it your best shot. Do your best to
add to his work in whatever capacity you can. It might be in evangelism,
prayers, children ministry, counselling or another arm of the ministry.
The aim is to build with him and be useful in God’s business entrusted
to your family.Keep in mind the fact that your calling is embedded, as it were, in his; as such, you have been called alongside him. So, your assignment is to find out where you fit in and
However, this is not only for minister’s wives, but every woman who wants to walk in accordance with God’s will for her. You must learn the act of being a helpmeet. Your ministry is beyond homemaking and cooking; it cuts across of every aspect of your husband’s life. You can always pray for him, give words of encouragement, a smile, nod or just a tap to say “well-done.” The essence is to show your support all the way and bring out the best in him.
Your husband needs protection, and wants to know that you are always there, no matter what. Make a difference in your own little way and never be afraid to lovingly point out areas and issues that require his attention or correction. You are his second set of eyes, so you must let it function at all times. May God give you the grace to function properly in your position in Jesus’ name!
Remain Blessed!
Written by Pastor Faith Oyedepo, The Wife of Bishop David Oyedepo of the winners' chapel worldwide... COMPILED BY GOSPELKIN..
Pastor Faith Oyedepo Daily Devotional, 23th DEC 2015- Find your fitting
Reviewed by Flaming Fire

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