pastor faith oyedepo devotional; friday 4th 2015
Lay it down
“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”
-1 Peter 5:7-
“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”
-1 Peter 5:7-
The prayer altar can be likened to an
everyday business transaction in a bank. Peradventure, you have been
given a cheque, there is always an amount written on it and signed by
the issuer. If this cheque is not presented at the bank, no money would
be paid to
you. More so, even when you present the cheque and there’s
nothing written on it or it isn’t signed, you will still be denied
access to that money.You have to fulfil the necessary requirements of filling, signing and presenting the cheque, before you can be issued any money. Similarly in prayers, there must be a “specified request” – signed by you. However, having a request is not enough; you need to present it to God for payment. You cannot go on having a thought for a need in your heart and blaming God for not performing that need when you have not presented it to Him.
There is an account in heaven where you must withdraw your inheritance from, but you have to present a requisition for it before you can receive. Give voice to your desires, because the Bible says: “He that asketh receiveth” (Matthew 7:8). Therefore, you are not permitted to receive what you have not asked for. However, you might say, you have asked for it. But, you need to be specific about your request and ask it in faith.
God is always willing to let you make withdrawals and heaven’s resources have no limit. However, you must open your mouth to tell Him exactly what you want, by reminding God of His Word concerning that need. God does not need those provisions, health, business connections, jobs or money to be God, but you have need of those things to fulfill destiny. Therefore, call upon Him today with your specifics and He will surely answer you.
Remain Blessed!
pastor faith oyedepo devotional; friday 4th 2015
Reviewed by Flaming Fire
