Edify Your Spirit Man: Kingdoms, Your Personality And The Wisdom Of GOD
There is another time dimension in the earth. Only people who belong to kingdom knows. The people in the water kingdoms and in the powers of the earth know; we who are in Zion’s Kingdom, know that there is something else going on. We are in this world but we are not of this world; and that’s what alignment does.
Alignment is a very powerful thing. It turns something from being a personal, human being functioning into the Kingdom taking over, so that the human being that is functioning simply becomes a gate into that Kingdom and not a personality anymore. He himself becomes an icon to a Kingdom dimension. You know what an icon is. When you click on an icon on your desktop it opens a window – that’s gates and windows of heaven. It opens windows and gates, and you don’t see the icon anymore but the windows and the activities going on. Every one of us is called to be an icon of dimensions inside of the Kingdom, and you don’t have to be a prophet, you don’t have to be an apostle, you just need to gain alignment. There is a wisdom of God that your life and my life needs to capture individually. There is a wisdom about the life I’m living in the Spirit. It is an epistle. Paul said, you are the epistles of Christ written not with ink but with the Spirit. So there are spirit epistles; they are not written down, they are human spirits functioning in lives, ordered and orchestrated by the Holy Ghost. Your life right now, lived in the Spirit, is a story God is trying to tell, not from here but from heaven, and as people watch your life they begin to read a pattern and your testimony, and they begin say: this person is hard to understand, but if you follow him closely you will see that there is a method in his madness, a pattern to his mystery, there is a meaning to the flow and erb of his life, and then people begin to read you like an epistle and begin to understand the testimony of what you are, who you are inside of Christ Jesus, and begin to say, this man is wisdom. They begin to say
"this girl, it's funny, it's hard to understand, but if you look very well, she is sophia(wisdom) - not man's wisdom, not the wisdom of the princes of this world; this girl is a heavenly wisdom that the princes of this world do not know". And Paul said, you are that epistle of Christ ministered by us. The apostolic writes in you not the plan nor the ways of man. It activates, chisels, builds, teaches, imparts and shapes within you and through you life the flow of another wisdom from heaven. That's why the Bible says, so that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be made known the manifold, many faceted, many dimensional wisdom of God. That is apostolic building. That is apostolic edifice. That's what an apostle achieve when he finishes building: the principalities become confused, ancient men start to learn another wisdom. There is a wisdom and a pathway that is not of this earth; it is not in the land of the living. The fouls of the earth do not know it, the lion's cub has not tread it, in short, it does not exist in the world of men. They told king Nebuchadnezzar: the wisdom you are asking for is not in the land of the living; let's call it a day and go home. The wisdom you are asking for is in the dwelling of the gods, and they sent for a man called Daniel and they said, in him was the spirit of the holy gods.
Written By: Bro Philip Cephas.
Edify Your Spirit Man: Kingdoms, Your Personality And The Wisdom Of GOD
Reviewed by Flaming Fire

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