The wonder of the word(wonder of God)
It is good to know God, But the best way is to give your life totally to him, and sin no more.
Today we shall be talking about the topic " The Wonders of the word".
(Romans 10:6-8).
The greatest thing God can do is to give redemption to whosoever seek him, but we all know God doesn't come by him self to save men, because he has already given us "the truth and the life", Jesus; That whosoever believe in him Shall not perish but have everlasting life, (john 3:16). When you get to heaven, and you found the WORD OF GOD, is as good and effective as God himself on Earth, You will be surprised.
God's WORD, as contained in the the Holy Bible, is an adequate representation of God on Earth. God is Good that is why he gave us salvation, he deliberately Gave us life, no question about that. Most time we prayed to God, he answers us scripturally by revealing Scriptures for us to read, it is not all time God speak directly from the sky!
Some answers we are looking up to receive will not fall from sky, but , they will spring from his Word in the holy scriptures.
The word of God is light, and the light is our sight,and sight direct us.
(1) In God's Word there is life (john 6:63).
(2) In God's word you are liberated (John 3:31-32).
(3) In God's word there is healing (psalm 107:20).
(4) In his word we are alive (Hebrews 4:12).
(5) In is word you are built and you have access to your inheritance (Acts 20:32).
(1) Divine healing.
(2) Divine break through.
(3) Divine protection.
(4) Success.
(4) Divine wisdom, understanding and knowledge.
(1) Give your life to him (born again).
(2) Prayer and fasting.
(3) Believing and having faith him what he will do.
(4) Praising him; by dancing and singing.
I know you are partaker of his Word today may God bless his word Amen.

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