Miracles are real, "Mistake of unbelievers"
[ Don't follow name and page, follow grace.
Don't follow Titles, follow mantle. ]
Few men of God are called, Most sent them selves, (But Bible made it clear We should not judge) But the lord is kind and full of mercy, that is why is looking and not reacting to our sin.
Following mantle means following the right impacted and spiritual men of God.
Grace means the free and "underserved favour" from God, unmerited divine assistance from God to we human.
The act of you knowing the right man of God is a serious and a spiritual case, in which you need a divine direction from above.
Most people have the believe that a man of God that is "healing,delivering men from operations of devil" and doing miracle, (they called him fake).
Healing, deliverance and other are biblical, So NOTE " A TRUE MAN OF GOD CAN HEAL THE SICK, DELIVER MEN FROM ALL OPERATIONS OF DEVIL. "
It's our birth right in Christ To heal and deliver men from all work of devil. Because Jesus Did more than that, and he died for us, So we are entitled to do more than him in "HIS NAME" if we believe and surrender to him.
So to you all that believe not in miracles. It is real and miracles are work of God, So far you are born again in him.
My beloveth Gospel kin readers, i am sure you gain something now, and you now know,that miracles are hand work of God through his servants.
God bless you for reading.

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