How faith works
According to my own knowledge;
Faith is the hope of what we don't see, expectations of what we want.
Believing for miracle work of God is also faith , mostly, half of the world do not believe in miracles, and whosoever don't believe will not even wait for any expectation.
As a believer, God will test your patience severally, some time you will pray for three weeks he would not give you answers, not because God cannot safe you, nor his eye and ear are not functioning, but sometimes God tests your patience and faith, that's why he would answer your prayer slowly, but most people think he his wicked, so they run to small gods.
My advice for you, is that you have patient and you believe him, and you Will have everlasting joy in him.
If you could see the Battle God is fighting for you, you will have full cause to praise him, but you think God has just abandoned you, not like that ,he is still your savior.
Note "if you are not grateful, you must be a great fool".
1. By praising him
2. By testifying his goodness
3. By knowing his worth and adore him.
I think you gained dome things by this episode of faith.
May God bless his word in our heart Amen.

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