SCRIPTURE: And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. – Matthew 1:21
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When you access mysteries, you gain mastery
God is a God of wisdom and His wisdom is always encapsulated in mysteries. When you access the mysteries of the wisdom of God, you gain mastery over the miseries of life because mysteries equal mastery and mysteries also delete miseries of life.
Now, one of the major mysteries of the wisdom of God is the mystery of the birth of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we need to know the full implication of the mystery that brought Jesus Christ into the world, the mystery of Christmas. This will enable us to connect with the power that brought Him into this world, the power of Christmas that we celebrate today.
Now, what is the mystery surrounding the birth of Jesus?
1) The power of His birth is the power that impacted nature and creation.  
When Jesus Christ was born, the star registered His birth. Children’s births are normally registered in the hospital but it was a star that registered His birth.  Star gazers saw an unusual star in the Far East and discovered that an unusual person had been born. His birth affected nature because it was registered in the celestial archive of the stars.  
How then does His birth affect nature?
The first miracle He performed was a miracle that altered an order of nature chemically – the molecular structure of water became that of wine; that is, he rearranged water molecules H2O to C6H12O6.   
You see, incase anything natural is trying to rebel against the purpose of God for your life, Jesus Christ can rearrange it. He is more than able to do anything. He walked on the water and after His resurrection; He walked through a locked door and appeared in the midst of His disciples. He moved contrary to nature. 
Now, if the same Christ is in your life, there are some natural things that would be re-adjusted. If there is anything contrary to the purpose of God in your life, it can be re-adjusted. For example, when doctors say that you have no fallopian tubes or that you have an ovarian cyst, let them know that your generation can give birth to children regardless of any medical report. When the devil wants you to follow negative natural course of things, tell him that there is a pattern set by God that does not follow negative natural orders, and that is the pattern you will follow. 
Remember this: When you access mysteries, you gain mastery.
1. Go through what you have just read again.
2. Identify any possible negative natural course of things in your life
3. Ask God, at the place of prayer, to reverse them.
PRAYER: O LORD, help me to see spiritual principles from Your Word and follow them in Jesus Name.
QUOTE: Nothing can get out of control when He is involved. Culled from REASON FOR LIVING by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: Zechariah 8:1 to 23, Revelations 16:1 to 21, Psalms 144:1 to 15, Proverbs 30:29 to 31.
SEED OF DESTINY BY DR PASTOR PAUL ENENCHE, 25TH DEC- The Mystery Of Christmas SEED OF DESTINY BY DR PASTOR PAUL ENENCHE, 25TH DEC- The Mystery Of Christmas Reviewed by Flaming Fire on 06:00 Rating: 5

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