Three Out Of The Products Of Honour
1. Honor births access.
Human are human, even leaders are human beings.
They respond to honor and they feel good when you appreciate them for their sacrifice.
Nobody will associate with a man who disrespect them or dishonor them.
To access great men, all you need is to honor and celebrate them.
2. Honor secures your position.
Once you show yourself responsible by honoring greatness.
These men will go out of their comfort zone to assist you.
They will take you to the top, as they go up.
3. Honor reciprocate and birth honor.
The seed you sow, determines the fruit you reap.
You can't dishonor and expect honor.
As a leader, you are to honor all men and they will show you their true nature of love.
Most of the people around us are not wicked, all we need is to proof ourselves honorable and trustworthy and you will see the best part of them.
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