The seven ways Jesus heal
Jesus My cardinal example and yours. He practiced his healing by several ways or in mysterious ways.
Among all were the Seven ways listed below. God bless you as you read.
1. Jesus healed by speaking the word. John 6:63, mark 10, Luke 5:17.
Among all were the Seven ways listed below. God bless you as you read.
1. Jesus healed by speaking the word. John 6:63, mark 10, Luke 5:17.
2. By laying on of his hand of them. Mark 1:40-42, Mathew 20:29-34.
3. He also healed by impartation.
Mathew 14:34.
4. Through the people's faith.
Mathew 8:5-13, Luke 6:19, Mark 4:25-34.
5. By manifesting the gift of healing.
John 5:1-9.
6. Through unusual means of healing. Mark 8:22-25, John 8:1-7.
7. He heal by also empowering his disciples.
The seven ways Jesus heal
Reviewed by Flaming Fire

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