Open heaven devotional, 25th July 2015, by Pastor E.A Adeoye
Read this Bible verse: 2 Chronicles 35-36; John 4:16-45
At the time of man’s creation, there was no notion of sickness. There was indeed nothing like sickness.
There was no expectation of death either. The human body was created to be self-sustaining through regular contact with God’s glory, and maintained by the foods provided by God. But when man fell, he lost so much, most importantly, the sustaining power of God’s glory.
He had to begin to virtually rely on food for sustenance. As good as food is, it is limited in its ability to keep a man healthy. Although a daily diet of good food, vegetables, fruits and exercise is very important to living healthy, the final result will depend largely on the
and living a righteous life, this healthy lifestyle will work well for him, but if a fellow is living in sin, the result may be in bad taste. The reason is because sin itself is a killer (James 1:15). Sin does not often kill drastically but subtly, gradually and surely. Sin kills spiritually by sending the sinner to Hell, and it also kills physically.
The bible speaking in Romans 6:23
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Never underestimate the power of sin! Believe it or not, sin serves the sinner a cup of death. Every sin an individual commits dishes the fellow a dose of death, working against his or her health and gradually killing him or her. Take for instance a
believer who eats the best meals but refuses to pay tithes; such a person will provoke God to curse him.
No medicine or healthy meal can cure the effects of such a curse! Always remember that the spiritual always controls the physical. What unhealthy meal did Miriam eat that made her leprous for seven days (Numbers 12:5-15)? She only spoke against Moses, and that sin served her leprosy. Beloved, to consistently live in good health, it is important you place spiritual considerations side by side with healthy lifestyle choices. If you want to continue in sin, you are not serious about staying healthy.
While some sicknesses are caused by poor eating habits, others are caused by sinful indulgences or violation of divine laws. Ensure both sides are properly taken care of. It is well with you.
Key Point:
Healthy meals + exercises + holyliving =Good health.
Author: The message was compiled by gospel kin and written by pastor E.A Adeboye, the general overseer of The Redeemed Christian church of God. God bless you for reading.
Open heaven devotional, 25th July 2015, by Pastor E.A Adeoye
Reviewed by Flaming Fire

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