Koinonia ENI; Apostle Joshua selman nimmak

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Apostle Joshua Selman,  I will call him envoy of the Kingdom of God, through Jesus Christ who strengthens him.

His messages are life Changing messages, When I First heard his message I knew something is different [ This is not exaggeration] …

With his apostolic unction and the grace of the Lord over his life, I call it divine Wisdom.
Through him, by
Christ, my life has changed.

Apostle Joshua Selman's messages are never a dull moment

 Though I am a Christian, but Just Church activities and so called religious, Not spiritual.
In 2014 I got his messages, That was the beginning of my Fire, my spirit man Got fired and I kept doing desperate things, My spiritual life was rejuvenated.
Eternity network INTL is a ministry that God is raising armies through it and i see God doing wonders in the life of his servant.
I will conclude by saying, koinonia  ENI is a ministry I can In high dimension of Power, i am not talking about now [ presently ], but about the Agenda of Elshadai using His armies to destroy babylon and satanic strategy to set them on fire. Revelation 18:10.
In years to come, I can see ENI In a dimension of power never experienced before. Why? because of the presence of God in the ministry.
But what will I say, but Pray for my Teacher, mentor Apst selman for more unction and more anointing as never experienced before.
ENI with the Help of the holy spirit has released diverse power packaged series, on different topics which you can never be the same when you are exposed to the atmosphere of those messages.
You can download the messages below.
Love you all.
Do you know that one of the hindrance to Greatness is a life of Sin?
Nothing kills faster than sin. Romans 6:23.
Give your life to Christ today and be safe.  John 10:10b.
Note: If you are not saved, you are not safe.
If you are ready to make your way right with God, kindly pray this prayer.
" Lord Jesus, The holy and only son of most high, I know am a sinner, I know am not safe, come to my life, I know you died for me, I accept you as my LORD AND SAVIOR, From today I live for you Alone, Thank you for saving me. I choose to love you and do your will, I renounce satan and his agents. And choose the pathway to righteousness AMEN".
Ohhh congratulations, you made the Greatest decision, We will love to hear from you, and we will be glad to look after your spiritual life.
By sending you some free Ebooks from great men of God.
Let us know you made the decision contact us.

SMS only: +2348136994418

EMAIL: Olorunlekea@gmail.com

We love you all.


Koinonia ENI; Apostle Joshua selman nimmak Koinonia ENI; Apostle Joshua selman nimmak Reviewed by Flaming Fire on 20:20 Rating: 5