Pastor Faith Oyedepo: Tuesday 12th May, 2015 Daily Devotional -
Our today's Topic: Priesthood
The bible speaking in
1 Peter 2:9;
“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:”
As children, when adults much older than you came around to visit and called for your attention, you may have been one of those who always hid: behind curtains, chairs, etc. May have been for fear of the individual, or just because you were shy. Even when beckoned to come, you may have moved very sluggishly, and then been the most quiet you, on getting there. What this adult could say to you at that time therefore became limited. Similarly, some of us approach God in this manner. We hide for reasons of fear, sin or just plain lack of confidence. As a child of God though, you have being created as a priest;therefore warranting you to know God for yourself, learning how He speaks so as to follow Him. Without this, you keep living less than you have been made to be and that also informs your choices in life.
A priest is an intermediary; one that has unhindered access to God. With such access therefore, you should not be consulting others to know what God says about you. You can do that for yourself. Anything others say about you or God’s plans for you should be confirmations of what you already know. Christianity is personal and so is your relationship with the Father. While it is not wrong to be blessed, counselled or prayed for by your pastor, you should avoid being spoon fed. There is no other relationship that can compare in worth to your relationship with God. So, build on it and stop placing Him so far away.
God has no human preferences; He created us all and so cannot choose to speak to one group over another. It only depends on how important you treat Him. The more you draw to Him, the more He draws to you. Avoid cheating yourself out of cordial and profiting relationship with God; assume your duty as a priest. You have been called and selected, don’t hide behind the curtains. Answer your call!
Remain Blessed!
The message was written by pastor faith oyedepo the wife of Bishop David o. Oyedepo of living faith world wide. Thanks for reading

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