Pastor Faith Oyedepo: Monday 18th May, 2015 Daily Devotional
Our today's Topic: God is interested in your family’s success.
The holy Bible speaking in Hebrews 3:4
“For every house is built by some man; but he that built all things is God.”
The family unit is confronted with one of its greatest attacks today, more than at any other period in history. Brothers betray brothers and mother-in-laws are against their daughter or son-in-laws. There is so much tension in the home that some have decided to avoid building a family.
However, the good news is that God is interested in your family.
He is interested in helping you build, nurture and bring your family to perfection. The reason why people don’t ask for His help is because they feel they know what to do, or He is too busy to be concerned about one’s family. On the contrary, he is ever willing to help you through that situation.
He is ready to give you tips filled with wisdom on every aspect of your marriage and family life, to lead you to a successful end. From the beginning, God showed His interest in building the family by personally fashioning the woman and presenting her to Adam.
He did that to solve the need for companionship, togetherness and productive labour. Therefore, to enjoy these blessings in your marriage, you must put Him at the centre of your home.
Marital bliss depends on the place you give God and His Word in your home. The more of Him you have, the more peace, joy, happiness and sweetness your family will enjoy. God will never fail you, so your family is guaranteed in Him. Just let down your guard and pride; have confidence and trust solely in Him. You are headed for a wonderful time in marriage!
Be Remained Blessing!
The devotion was written by pastor Faith Oyedepo, the wife of Bishop David Oyedepo, the president living faith worldwide.

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