25th December ministrations from Gospel kin.

Romans 14:17
What is Christmas :- Christmas means the birthday of Jesus Christ.

1. To bring salvation to man kind ( Isaiah 7:11).
2. To  destroy works of devil E.g sickness, poverty, disease.(1john3:8).
3) To bring Joy To World (Luke 2:10-11).
(4)To bring peace  to humanity, (Luke 2:14).
5) Establish divine presence with man.
Jesus died for us, his death is our salvation, he made it easy for to live a glorious life, through him we are all save. And all principality and power bow before him, death and all evil are under his fit,  tgriue him we are safe.
May God bless his Word in Jesus name,Amen!

25th December ministrations from Gospel kin. 25th December ministrations from Gospel kin. Reviewed by Flaming Fire on 11:35 Rating: 5

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