How to maintain your fire; Breaking Forth; By Dr Pastor Paul Enenche
1. Identify and continually review spiritual goal and vision for the year. Hab 2:2.
What you can not defined you can not find..
2. Maintain a consistent schedule of waiting on the lord. (Consecrations fast) Isa40:31.
3. Maintain a consistent diet of fresh word. Jere 20:9, Psalm 39:3.
4. Maintain a consistent fe
llowship with the brethren. Act 2: 46-47. Ps 84:7.
5. Accept spiritual responsibility.
Spiritual responsibility is the key to spiritual intensity.
6. Avoid the wrong company. Prov 27;17.
Any body not going in your direction is not permitted to be in your association.
7. Maintain a permanent atmosphere of God's presence.
How to maintain your fire; Breaking Forth; By Dr Pastor Paul Enenche
Reviewed by Flaming Fire

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