Divine Favour the agent of transformation
It means; Unmerited grace.
***Favor is the flavor that Savor the Labour of life.
*** Favour reduces your Labour in life.
*** Favour makes you acquire that which is not met to be acquired at that time.
Product of divine favour.
1. Favor guarantees life. Ps 30:5.
2. It guarantees establishment.
4. Favor place you on high places.
5. Favor opens closed door.
Welcome to the world of Divine favour.
The only key to divine favour is Love for Christ and how can you love him when you did not believe in him.
Decide today, Say after me;
Lord Jesus, I surrender all to you, I forsake devil and his agent, I choose your life. I confess you as my king and lord. Amen.
Congratulations you are now entitled for his favour.
Lord Jesus, I surrender all to you, I forsake devil and his agent, I choose your life. I confess you as my king and lord. Amen.
Congratulations you are now entitled for his favour.
Let us know that you made this great decision.
Divine Favour the agent of transformation
Reviewed by Flaming Fire

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