Understanding Prayer with Dr Paul Enenche
Today's teaching is from God's servant Paul Enenche MD.
1. Flow of communication between man and his maker.
2. Avenue of expression man insufficiency and God all-sufficiency.
3. Avenue of Communion between man and his maker.
4. Avenue for the enforcement of God's rule and reign on earth.
5. Avenue of Expression of man's love and worship to his maker.
7. Avenue for reconciliation between man and God. Is 6:5, Dan 10:5. Job 42:6-7, 1John 1:8-9.
8. Prayer is the avenue for access divine provision and supply from God.
9. Prayer is Avenue for agreement between creature and creator.
10. Prayer is privileges of standing on spiritual watch tower.
==>A prayer man is a spiritual watchman.
==>A prayer man is a spiritual watchman.
11. Prayer is the Platform that helps us to remain on our feet spiritually.
Gen 19:27, James 5:17, 1king 17:1.
Gen 19:27, James 5:17, 1king 17:1.
==> Prayer is the platform for refueling, refilling and refired of Spiritual life.
12. Prayer is the Platform of exchange between man and God.
Isaiah 40:31,
==>We release the negative of life and receive a positive of God.
==>Man surrender weakness and receive his strength.
===>Man releases his fear and connect with His Faith.
==>Surrender your inability to connect God's ability.
Isaiah 40:31,
==>We release the negative of life and receive a positive of God.
==>Man surrender weakness and receive his strength.
===>Man releases his fear and connect with His Faith.
==>Surrender your inability to connect God's ability.
COUNSEL from Dr Pastor Paul Enenche..
1. Never allow your prayer fire to die down. Lev 6:12.
"Praylessness" is a state of emergency.
"Praylessness" is a state of emergency.
2. Always maximize the leaden of the spirit. Romans 8:18.
3. Determine to maintains prayer disciplines and schedule every day. Dan 6:10.
Understanding Prayer with Dr Paul Enenche
Reviewed by Flaming Fire

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