Dr paul Enenche 12th Aug 2015, Wednesday power communion service

Topic: Pathway/secret of Destiny restoration

1. Father's assignment.
Father's assignment Is the key to recovering of destiny.
Inside the father's assignment is man's consignment.
Gen 36:24.
*** Those who work for God attracts his Wages.
Luke 22:35.

2. Keep the right company.
1Sam 9:5-6

*** company determine destiny.
2a Right company are those that are interested in your destiny, in your vision.

2b Keep those who are Constructive input in your life.
Prov 18:24.

3. Value spiritual authority.

Hosea 12:13, 1sam 9:7-8.

Your sense of
value determines the flow of profit..
If you don't value spiritual authority you are grounded in life.

4. Ask the right question.
1Sam 9:11-13.

If you ask question you never miss direction.

If you are too arrogant to ask question be ready to stop moving. Prov 20:5.
5. Treat people well.

1sam 14-19. Gen 40:4. 1sam 30:11-19. 2Kings 5:3.
Human's destiny are interconnected, beware of whom you treat bad.
The person you treat badly today may be your helper tomorrow.
A. Many times disappointment sets pace for divine appointment. 1Sam9:16.
Many time comrmotion set a pace for promotion.

B. God can allow a temporary loss to usher in a lasting gain.
The creature can not be greater that the creator.

C. Divine encounter always produce manifestation beyond expectations.
Eph 3:20.
Dr paul Enenche 12th Aug 2015, Wednesday power communion service Dr paul Enenche 12th Aug 2015, Wednesday power communion service Reviewed by Flaming Fire on 08:10 Rating: 5

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