How to Make Godly Decisions Part Two by Rick Warren

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4. Search the Scriptures.

God’s will is found in God’s Word. Any time you’re facing a decision, it’s a great time to do a Bible study. I wouldn’t get married, take a new ministry position, or make a major purchase without studying what the Bible says about it. A Bible and concordance are all you need to find the verses that apply to your situation. 

5. Pray for God’s wisdom.

Over and over the Bible tells us to pray for God’s wisdom. Don’t know what to ask? Don’t worry. “When we don’t know what to pray for, the Spirit prays for us in ways that cannot be put into words” (Romans 8:26 CEV). God is ready to help with whatever decision you’re pondering.

6. Get the facts.

Some people think the most spiritual way to make decisions is to “go with the flow.” That’s not what the Bible teaches. Proverbs 23:23 says, “Get the facts at any price, and hold on tightly to all the good sense you can get” (TLB). Never make decisions with faulty information. God gave you wisdom when he gave you a brain. He expects you to use it.

7. Consider your desires.

God wants to bless you. He wants to give you not just what you need—but also your desires if you’re committed to doing his will. Psalm 37:4 says, “Be delighted with the Lord. Then he will give you all your heart’s desires” (TLB). In fact, God can even use your desires to direct you.

8. In faith, make a decision.

Sometimes we can get hung up on this step. We wait for God to make it super clear for us. But there comes a time—after you’ve done your research, prayed, and studied Scripture—when you need to take a step of faith. “We should make plans—counting on God to direct us” (Proverbs 16:9 TLB). Guidance comes to those who move in faith, not to those who sit in doubt. 

9. Let circumstances confirm God’s will.

Circumstances don’t reveal God’s will, but they will confirm them once you’ve stepped out in faith. Proverbs 16:1 says: “We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in God’s hands” (TLB).

You should never let circumstances be the sole criteria for making any decision in life. If circumstances are the sole criteria on which you make your decision, you’re no longer an actor, you’re a re-actor. Instead, we should let God use circumstances as additional encouragement to let us know we made the right decision. 

God is not trying to play games with you regarding his will. He wants you to know his will more than you want to know it. And he’s not trying to hide it, either. If you really want God’s will, and you’re sincerely committed to him, it’s hard to miss it.

How to Make Godly Decisions Part Two by Rick Warren How to Make Godly Decisions Part Two by Rick Warren Reviewed by Flaming Fire on 14:43 Rating: 5

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