
Christianity is a love walk with the Lord, embracing and submitting to his Lordship, thus giving expression to his divine will and purposes.

We are en-grafted into the Vine by grace, adopted as sons; now fellow heirs with Christ. We have been assigned the heavenly privy of representing the frontiers of the Kingdom on the earth as a space and in all of its sphere of existence.

Sent as Light and endorsed as salt to a perishing world. We can't live as drowning men seeking safety, rather we move in his might advancing the ideology of he who has called us.
Christianity is never party to mediocrity or vagueness. 

Our God-ward devotion must take it's toll on our lives and family but must also leave drastic spill over in the entire territory we've been planted.
It is time to lighten the world and salt-en the earth, bringing practical solution to the ordeal of a generation, making Christianity admirable and attractive while we raise the banner of the true God without compromise.

We are that Generation!
Identity Identity Reviewed by Aramide on 08:51 Rating: 5

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