What happen when you praise God

My pastor Said that, When you pray, God send angels, But when you praise, God come Down by him self.
Things that happens when you praise.
1. When you praise God, God mobilize action In our Favour. [ acts 16:25-26]…
2. Praise silences our enemy. Psalms 114. 2chron 20:22.
Praise guarantee victory without fight, without struggle.
3. Praise pleases God,> Every enemy Bow.[ Hebrews 13:15, proverbs 16:17]…
4. Praise provoke supernatural Return. [ Hebrew 13:15, proverbs 67, proverbs 13:14, proverbs 13:2, 18:20].
My pastor said, The more praiseful the more you increase.
Key to lifestyle of praise.
1. Generate Joy. (Isaiah 12:10, Nehemiah 8:10).
2. Encourage your self. (Psalms 30:5).
3. Keep company with praisers.
(1 corin 15:33, proverbs 27:17).

Note: if God can not do it then no man Can do it, nevertheless there is nothing impossible for God. He can not lie, he can not change.
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What happen when you praise God What happen when you praise God Reviewed by Flaming Fire on 12:17 Rating: 5

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